Fran Lebowitz vs. Influencer Candice Twyla

I have an intellectual crush on Fran Lebowitz, which started way before she revitalized her career with the Netflix series Pretend it’s a City. I’m one of the rare fans who has read all her books, instead of only watching her brilliant repartee. As well as know, after two books she gave up writing and now solely conveys her ideas through interview-style public speaking. She has invented a new form: sit down stand up comedy.

Fran reminds me that people with taste notice other people with taste, and that substance does translate to those who are paying attention. To me, she IS New York erudite sophistication incarnate.

Which is why she’s the perfect foil to my character Candice Twyla, the vapid influencer desperate to achieve fame without talent. I found some older footage of Fran on Letterman and wrote around that. My brilliant collaborator and editor Sophie Reyes Jones polished the result. Here’s the video for you in Fran-style crabby glory: