Negotiating Difficult People // Reconcile the Aisle Podcast

I’m performing a bunch in Florida this month before heading back up to NYC.

Around here you wouldn’t know that abortion is about to become functionally illegal, we’re on the cusp of global war, and voting rights are a thing of the past. I’ve heard one (ONE!) topical joke my entire sojourn in the Sunshine State. Who’s got time for news when you gotta go on your boat?

I hate the sun so in between shows I am not on a boat. I’m sitting in an apartment, writing.

And talking to friends back home. They’re rightfully tense. And so I offer some help with two episodes of my podcast Reconcile the Aisle.

The first is with Chrsitine Grimaldi and we talk about the history of anti-fascism amongst Italian Americans. Don’t feel alienated at the next family gathering! There are others iconoclasts like us in the history of our people!

The second is with professional negotiator Derek Gaunt. He’s gotten hardened criminals to release kidnapping victims and he can help you negotiate obstacles, both large and small. Things feel more difficult nowadays for many people and he can make negotiating life easier. I heard from an upcoming guest that she’s used his techniques with clients and on set - and it’s worked.

Enjoy and if all else fails enjoy some comedy vids to at least bring a temporary smile to your face!