Who Are You? What Is This? // Live Show

I’ve written before about the vagaries of creating a live show. I used to (bravely) create solo shows, but now that I’m firmly in the comedy camp I’ve been creating nights of sketches, characters, and games with the funniest people I know. The first was canceled by COVID, and now the second debuted in NYC in November. It’s called Gang Bang: A Game Show About Your DNA.

The thought was to change it slightly between stagings. But that’s not what’s happened.

It’s a funny thing about art. It’s like a lot of things. As Martha Stewart said about starting her business, “You don’t know what it’s actually going to turn out to be when you start it. “

Producing the show once was a huge learning lesson, albeit a fun one that went off swimingly. And I took the COVID delay to slash and expand show elements.

It’s now quite different and closer to the core of what I’m trying to achieve. The next incarnation is called Who Are You: A Variety Show About How We Were Made. We’re putting it up at The Coop in Delray, Florida. Guests include Jeff Quintana as Antonio Robinstinez and Salty Sam.

It comes back to NYC sometime in March, or because of COVID, April. By that time it will quite possibly take on another shape and, most likely, another name.